


学生残疾服务是教务处的一个办公室, which coordinates accommodations for undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities. We view disability as an important aspect of diversity and we are committed to providing equal opportunity and meaningful access for all students. 立博在线体育与学生合作, 教师, and staff to provide accessible environments and academic accommodations so that students can be curious, 订婚了, 道德, 以及当地有目标的公民和领导人, 国家, 以及全球背景.

学生残疾服务 has been designated by 中北书院 to coordinate reasonable accommodations in compliance with Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 1990年的《立博在线体育》和2008年的《立博在线体育》. 学生残疾服务 engages in an interactive process with each student on an individual, 根据具体情况确定合理的安排.

有资格获得学术和/或住房住宿, students must register with 学生残疾服务 and provide documentation of disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act. 残疾的定义是: 

  1. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as walking, 站, 看到, 说话, 听力, 坐着, 呼吸, 阅读, 学习, 思考, 执行手动任务, or taking care of oneself; or
  2. 有这样的损害记录或被认为有这样的损害.

Registering with 学生残疾服务 is a collaborative and interactive process. 因为残疾对每个人的影响是不同的, 立博在线体育想关注你们的审核和入会. 立博在线体育要求您允许立博在线体育最多10个工作日来处理您的验证, 审查其他文件, 然后安排一个疗程. 提醒一下,请确保您的验证符合立博在线体育的要求. All the steps in our process have to be completed and approved in order for accommodations to be assigned.

一月及二月期间, 以及七月和八月, 办公室的请求量增加了, 这一进程将被推迟. 如果你正在寻找秋季住宿,这个过程可以在3月份开始. 立博在线体育请求你们的耐心,因为立博在线体育一起努力完成这个过程.


  1. 学生必须完成 学术住宿申请 表格来开始这个过程.
  2. 提交证明残疾的文档. 请参阅下面的残疾验证选项. Documentation can be attached to the form in step one or be submitted using one the options listed below.
  3. 完成一个 信息的发布和交换 form to allow 学生残疾服务 to consult with the healthcare provider about the student’s disability. The release can be attached to the form in step one or be submitted using one the options listed below.
  4. 参加学生残疾服务中心的入学会议.


  1. 完成 住宿申请 表格来开始这个过程.
  2. Submit a verification to substantiate a need for a particular housing accommodation. The verification must show substantial limitations to major life activities relevant to living in campus housing. 请参阅下面的残疾验证选项. Documentation can be attached to the form in step one or be submitted using one the options listed below.
  3. 完成一个 信息的发布和交换 form to allow 学生残疾服务 to consult with the healthcare provider about the student’s disability. The release can be attached to the form in step one or be submitted using one the options listed below.
  4. 参加学生残疾服务中心的入学会议.


Providing documentation is part of the process for determining reasonable accommodations. 因为每个学生都有残疾的经历, 身体健康, 心理健康是独一无二的, 立博在线体育承诺为核查提供灵活的选择. 以下是可接受的文件形式列表, 以及向残疾学生服务中心递交文件的方法.

不管选择了哪个选项, all verifications must be from a healthcare professional that diagnosed and/or is currently treating the individual requesting the information. Please note that a family member and/or a person with an inherent conflict of interest (e.g. a pre-existing relationship with the student or their family that would make it un道德 to complete the documentation) may not provide the verification.

方案一- 所有残疾、身体健康、精神健康和/或临时状况

可填写以下表格,以支持学生的残疾, 身体健康, mental health and/or temporary condition by a healthcare professional (psychologist, 精神病学家, 治疗师, 持牌注册社会工作者, 医学博士, 验光师, 等.),而非该学生的家庭成员 and/or who does not have an inherent conflict of interest. 这将用于确定是否有资格获得合理的住宿.


方案二- 所有残疾、身体健康、精神健康和/或临时状况

A letter can be provided by a qualified treating or diagnosing healthcare professional (psychologist, 精神病学家, 治疗师, 持牌注册社会工作者, 医学博士, 验光师, 等.),而非该学生的家庭成员. Documentation can be completed on the healthcare professional's official letterhead and signed by the credentialed professional. 资料应包括:

  • 一份确定残疾的诊断声明和诊断日期;
  • 残疾的影响;
  • 对受记忆障碍影响的主要生活活动的评估, 浓度, 社会互动, 学习, 思考, 走站, 坐着, 等.);
  • Include test scores/diagnostics when applicable; and
  • 必须包括专业人员的姓名和头衔吗, 牌照号码, address, 专业人员的电话和签名.

Option 3 - 所有残疾、身体健康、精神健康和/或临时状况

A neuropsychological or psychological report ideally completed after the student’s thirteenth birthday is acceptable documentation.

选项4 -学习障碍, 发育/认知/智力障碍或自闭症谱系

An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is accepted for students with Learning Disabilities, Developmental/Cognitive/Intellectual Disabilities or students diagnosed on the Autism/Asperger's Spectrum. 但是,最后一个IEP (Transition)不被接受. 学生残疾服务 requests the three year re-evaluation and/or psychological report with eligibility. 这些文件可以向高中索取. While Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is not a 学习 disability, students are eligible for accommodations supported by documentation from Options one, 两三个.

选项5 -聋人/重听

学生 who are deaf/hard of 听力 should provide diagnostic results from a full 听力 test performed by a qualified professional. 文件还必须涉及以下内容:

  • 相关病史,包括听力损失日期;
  • 具体诊断及近期听力图;
  • Description of functional limitation (with and without any 听力 aids or other assistive devices or treatments); and
  • IEP或504计划是有用的额外信息.

选项6 -失明/低视力

学生 who are diagnosed as blind/low vision must provide a copy of the complete ocular examination from an optometrist or ophthalmologist that includes:

  • 诊断及原诊断日期;
  • 病因/原因;
  • 影响或限制(包括视力评分);
  • 视力:有或没有矫正的视力;
  • Status of corrective lenses (glasses and/or contact lenses and any other devices); and
  • IEP或504计划是有用的额外信息.


文件可以附在住宿申请表上, 邮寄, 传真, 通过电子邮件发送或丢弃.

  • 邮寄地址:立博在线体育
  • 传真:630-637-5462
  • 电子邮件: sds@noctrl.edu
  • 下车地点:Oesterle图书馆230室


电子邮件: sds@noctrl.edu


学生 have the right to report an allegation of discrimination in which the student has experienced harassment or discrimination in which they have been denied equal access on the basis of a disability. 学生 can report experiences of harassment or discrimination online or to a staff member.






明迪C. 迪亚兹

If the matter cannot be resolved by the 残疾学生服务协调员 or if the complaint involves the coordinator, 学生可以发邮件给学业成功和支持项目主任. If the situation cannot be resolved by the director or if the complaint involves the director the student can fill out the online 偏见事件报告表格 或直接与504协调员联系. 学生 can request that their allegation be investigated through the Formal Resolution Procedure outlined in the 歧视、骚扰、不当性行为及报复政策.

The Formal Resolution Procedures is intended to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints involving discrimination on the basis of disability. 

对参与报道的人员进行报复, 禁止调查或非正式解决程序. 报复将被视为单独违反政策.

如果投诉不能在大学层面得到解决, 学生可以选择向联邦民权办公室投诉.


U.S. 教育部
500 W. 麦迪逊街,1475套房

Fax: 312-730-1576; TTY: 800-877-8339
电子邮件: 光学字符识别.Chicago@ed.政府